Category Archives: Italian Prisoners of War Greece and Albania

An Alpine Ice Pick

Giuseppe Noal and Pietro Marcon crafted a special gift for Colonel Montague Ambrose Brown, Commandant of Cowra Prisoner of War and Internment Camp: an alpine ice pick.

An ‘interesting’ gift but a gift with significance.

Background and Connections

Pietro Marcon served with the Alpini. The Alpini is Italy’s specialist mountain infantry and served in battle in the Greek – Albanian conflict of WW2. Pietro was captured 13.2.41 while Giuseppe Noal was captured three days before on the 10.2.41. Giuseppe’s card records his place of capture as Greece while Pietro’s card records Libya. [While an Alpini Corps served in East Africa, I do no know if the Alpini served in Libya]

The complex issues of record keeping implies that not all information for each Italian is correct.  Some men are captured as ‘Libya Greece’ or ‘Albania Libya’. Others have ‘Progradecci Greece’ as place of capture but Progradecci is in Albania.

I have no doubt that Pietro and Giuseppe both served with the Alpini and were captured in Greece.  Their journey is identical from arrival in Australia on the Queen Mary 13.1.041 to their departure on the Alcantara on 23.12.46, including placement at Q6 Home Hill Hostel vegetable project. These are men who forged a friendship before capture.

Looking further for a glimpse of Pietro and Giuseppe, a group photo taken in Cowra Camp highlights further common threads or connections.

The photo below is intriguing: seven out of the ten men were captured in Greece or Albania. All men arrived in Sydney Australia on the Queen Mary 13.10.41

Almerino Albertin from Abano Terme Padova : 1.3.41 Greece

Carlo Dell Antonio from Predazzo Trento: 3.12.40 Greece

Pietro Marcon from Rossano Veneto Vicenza: 13.2.41 (Alpini) [Greece?]

Giuseppe Noal from Via Felice Cavalotti Milano: 10.2.41 Greece

Giuseppe Oldani from Abbiategrasso: 3.12.40 Albania

Carlo Fossati from Lissone Milano: 3.12.40 Premeti [Pëmet Albania]

Riccardo Del Bo from Castrovillari Cosenza; 24.1.41 Greece

Mario Mancini and Giovanni Tadini could well have been captured in Greece or Albania as their dates of capture suggest this: 3.12.40 and 8.12.40.

Interestingly, Riccardo Del-Bo also made a gift for Colonel Brown: a caricature.

Cowra, NSW. 16 September 1943. Group of Italian prisoners of war (POW) interned at No. 12 POW Group. Back row, left to right: 47841 Almerino Albertin; 48023 Carlo Dell Antonio; 48340 Giovanni Tadini; 48210 Pietro Marcon; 48234 Giuseppe Noal; 48199 Mario Mancini. Front row: 48251 Giuseppe Oldani; 48055 Carlo Fossati; 48106 Riccardo Del Bo; Unidentified (name cut off list). Note: The number is an assigned POW number. (AWM Image 030149/22 Photographer Michael Lewecki)

The Ice Pick

The ice pick signifies the Alpini Corps and its connection to Pietro and Giuseppe. They decorated it with a hat badge and star.  The alpine hat and feather are the most recognised features of the Alpini uniform.  

They engraved their names, Colonel Brown’s name and a quote in Italian: ‘ABBIAMO ISSATO I PEZZI, LA, DOVE ALL’ UOMO, PESAVA PERFINO IL PANE NELLE TASCHE’.

The words are from a patriotic speech by poet Gabriele d’Annunzio: “Hanno portato I loro cannoni e issato I loro pezzi la’ dove all’uomo commune pesava perfino il pane in tasca”

A special thank you to Ermanno Scrazzolo for doing some background research for me and correction of place names.

Ermanno explains the quote in English: “we pulled up the pieces (cannons), up there where for the men even the bread in their pockets was a burden.”

Ermanno adds, “Normally the Alpine troops had mules for carrying cannon barrels, but where the mules could not go, the men had to pull up the barrels using ropes and their manpower.”

This was Pietro and Giuseppe’s journey: into the mountains of Greece and Albania during one of the coldest winters on record; dragging the cannons through the snow and high-altitude conditions; exhausted.

The ice pick is poignant and important, not only to Colonel Brown but for all families whose fathers fought in Greece and Albania. We are blessed that Colonel Brown’s family donated this item to the Australia War Memorial, giving another insight into the life of a soldier and prisoner of war.

Il Mulo

Ricordati che in guerra sono indispensabile: io solo ti porto armi, munizioni, viveri e notizie dei tuoi cari.

Il primo documento rintracciato dove il mulo “parla” in prima persona, compare su L’ALPINO del 1° agosto 1941. Come indicato nell’articolo, senza menzione dell’autore, questo decalogo era tratto da un foglietto volante largamente diffuso sul fronte greco a cura del Comando Superiore Forze Armate.

Soldati con muli in marcia verso le prime linee nella primavera 1941

IL MULO al suo conducente

1 – Ti servirò fino al sacrificio: dammi però ciò che mi necessita per servirti.

2 – Ricordati che in guerra sono indispensabile: io solo ti porto armi, munizioni, viveri e notizie dei tuoi cari.

3 – Trattami con dolcezza e pazienza, se non vuoi rendermi nervoso e costringermi a sferrare qualche calcio. Non darmi strapponi alle redini: essi mi fanno male alla bocca.

4 – Sono ruvido e brutto con le mie lunghe orecchie. Ma sotto la ruvidezza è la mia forza, la mia resistenza, la mia sobrietà.

5 – Cerca di tenermi pulito: si salverai così dalle malattie, parassitarie, specie dalla rogna, che dovrai temere più della peste. Ricorda che “buon governo vale metà razione”: se non mi pulisci diventerò magro e triste per la sporcizia.

6 – Toglimi il basto e i finimenti appena terminato il lavoro. Asciugami se sono bagnato e sudato: strofinami con paglia o altro e riparami, se possibile, dall’acqua e dal vento: mi salverai così da reumatismi, tosse, polmonite e coliche pericolose.

7 – Non lasciarmi all’aperto di notte col cattivo tempo e col freddo. Se non ci sono baracche od altri ricoveri: cerca di farmi riparo con un po’ di ramaglie o coprimi con un copertone o qualche coperta vecchia.

8 – Sorveglia i miei pasti: dammi da bere e da mangiare: a stomaco vuoto anch’io come te non posso lavorare. Se il lavoro ti fa venire appetito, pensa che lo stesso succede a me e se tu hai qualche cosa da mangiare ed io nulla, dividi un poco con me la pagnotta e la galletta.

Soldati con muli in marcia lungo un sentiero nell’inverno 1941.

9 – Durante le marce fammi bere dove si offra l’occasione di una roggia, di una polla montana, ecc., specialmente nella stagione estiva. Cerca che l’acqua dove mi fai bere sia possibilmente pulita: sai che io sono schifiltoso e che l’acqua troppo sporca mi fa male.

10- Tu sai che noi due dobbiamo essere indivisibili e conosci la nostra importanza per assicurare i rifornimenti ai tuoi compagni in linea. Per noi non c’è riposo, ma dobbiamo mantenerci in forze per continuare il nostro lavoro. Se sei stanco, pensa che anch’io sono stanco, anche se non posso dirlo: non ti attaccare alla mia coda, non mi montare, io non reagirei per affezione, ma forse tu provocheresti così la mia morte per troppa fatica.

Soldati con muli in cammino verso le linee nemiche nella primavera 1941

11- Sorvegliami nelle salite e discese: accorciami la braca in discesa, perché il carico non mi scenda sul collo e mi spinga a cadere: allungami invece la braca quando vado in salita e, se la salita è forte, accorciami il pettorale, perché il carico non scenda sulle reni. In discesa tienimi a guinzaglio lento perché io possa io possa vedere dove metto i piedi, ma sii pronto a sostenermi se inciampo. Nelle salite lascia lungo il guinzaglio.

12- Sorveglia i miei piedi tutti i giorni, affinché i ferri siano sempre in ordine, ben saldo agli zoccoli, rinnovati a tempo debito.

13- Se perdo un ferro in marcia e vuoi che io ti segua ovunque fammelo riattaccare subito, perché “ferro perduto, mulo perduto”. Mantieni puliti i miei zoccoli dalle immondizie che vi si accumulano, specialmente sotto: così mi salverai da varie malattie ai piedi.

14- I buoni trattamenti varranno per me come gli encomi e le ricompense per te.

15- Ricorda tutte le mie benemerenze a favore dell’Esercito, in pace e in guerra e vogliami bene.

Soldati con mulo che trasporta artiglieria da campo nella primavara 1941

Un tributo

A special tribute to Giuseppe Noal and Pietro Marcon who fought in the Greco-Albanian campaign 1940-1941. The men were captured in Greece in February 1941. The photos are from the Archivo Centrale dello Stato.

Un alpino nel novembre 1940

On a handcrafted gift: an alpine ice pick for Colonel Montague Ambrose Brown, Commandant of Cowra Prisoner of War and Internment Camp Giuseppe Noal and Pietro Marcon engraved their names, Colonel Brown’s name and a quote in Italian:


“we pulled up the pieces (cannons), up there where for the men even the bread in their pockets was a burden.”

Alpini in alta montagna appostati con un cannone nell’inverno 1941

we pulled up the pieces (cannons) up there…”

“Hanno portato I loro cannoni e issato I loro pezzi la’..”

Soldati con mulo che trasporta artiglieria da campo nella primavara 1941.

Alpini della divisione “Julia” in marcia con i muli nella primavara 1941

“…where for the men even the bread in their pockets was a burden.”

“…dove all’uomo commune pesava perfino il pane in tasca”

Alpini in alta montagna appostati con un cannone nell’inverno 1941

Soldati scaricano il pane nell’inverno 1941

The original text from a patriotic speech by poet Gabriele d’Annunzio: “Hanno portato I loro cannoni e issato I loro pezzi la’ dove all’uomo commune pesava perfino il pane in tasca”.

Alpini in alta montagna in una trincea ricevono la benedizione da un sacerdote nell’inverno 1941

Alpini in alta montagna utilizzano uno strumento ottico nell’inverno 1941

Soldiers of the Greco-Italian War 1940-1941

The invasion of Greece at the end of October 1940 resulted in changing borders between Greece and Albania. 

The Italians pushed into Greece, the Greeks withdrew. 


The Greeks pushed into Albania, the Italians withdrew. 

The Albanian/Greek border was fluid.  Some Italian prisoners record themselves as having been captured at Nevizza Greece while other record that they were captured at Nevizza Albania.


It is my pleasure to introduce you to some of the Italian soldiers from this battlefront who arrived in Australia in 1941. The amazing photos are from Archivio Centrale dello Stato []. They provide an invaluable insight into the life of the soldier in Greece and Albania.

November 1940

1.11.40 Verniku Albania: Ottavio Tommolillo, 49th Inf, an accountant from Napoli

15.11.40 Monte Ivan Albania: Francesco Spada, 41st inf, a teacher from Riposto Catania

15.11.40 Cocli Greece: Giammaria Zappimbulso, 48th Inf., a teacher from San Michele Bari

16.11.40 Cippo 9 Confine Greco Albanese: Antonio Vaglio, Inf., a student from Noha Lecce

29.11.40 NW Permeti Albania: Eugenio Stragiotti, 41st Reg. Inf., a student from Genoa

Un carro armato M13 40 con un carrista in torretta nel novembre 1940

Operazioni oltre il confine greco albanese nel novembre 1940

Postazione contraerea nell’autunno-inverno 1940

Korca November1940

I bersaglieri su un camion nei pressi della Moschea Vecchia di Tirana nel novembre 1940

Soldati puntano una mitragliatrice antiaerea verso il cielo nel novembre 1940

Sbarco degli alpini in un campo di aviazione in Albania dagli apparecchi delle aviolinee nel novembre 1940

December 1940

3.12.40 Delvino Greece: Severino Bartoli, Inf., a farm worker from Cintilese [?] Pistoia

3.12.40 Premeti: Carlo Fossati, Inf., a mechanic from Lissone Milano

13.12.40 Sella Di Golem Albania: Guilio Vattuone, 42nd Inf. Reg., a teacher from Bologna

22.12.40 Himara Greece: Luigi Torrini, an agricultural expert from Pozzuolo per Casamaggiore Perugia

23.12.40 Klisura Greece: Ernesto Simonetto, Alpine Troop, a student from Padova

Neve su un campo di aviazione in Albania nel dicembre 1940

Bombe sotto la neve in un campo di aviazione in Albania nel dicembre 1940

Alpini on watch on the Albanian front, winter of 1940-1941

Una nostra mitragliatrice colpita nell’inverno 1940

Soldato attinge l’acqua da un serbatoio nell’autunno-inverno 1940

Alpini davanti ad un posto di ristori per soldati nell’autunno-inverno 1940

Postazione contraerea nell’autunno-inverno 1940

January 1941

4.1.41 Pogradec Albania: Giuseppe Tanzi, 84th Reg. Inf., a teacher from Citta Di Castello Perugia

22.1.41 Ali Baliban Albania: Ugo Tobino, 31st Inf. Res., a student from Genoa

24.1.41 Bubesit Albania: Agostino Zamparutti 8th Aline Reg., a student from San Pietro al Natisone Udine

25.1.41 Mala Spadarit Albania: Mario Schiapparoli, Aline, a student/clerk from Roma

31.1.41 Clisura Greece: Guglielmo Tizzoni, Batt. Mortar Div, a teacher from Arluno Milano

Alpini in alta montagna utilizzano uno strumento ottico nell’inverno 1941

Alpini sciatori in marcia in alta montagna nell’inverno 1941

11775 Alpino sciatore in alta montagna appostato nell’inverno 1941

Alpini in alta montagna in marcia sulla neve nell’inverno 1941

Una base aerea dell’Albania sotto una tempesta di neve nel gennaio 1941

Soldati del reparto d’assalto della legione “Modena” nell’inverno 1941

Alpini sciatori in marcia in alta montagna nell’inverno 1941

Alpini sciatori in marcia in alta montagna nell’inverno 1941

Soldati preparano il rancio nell’inverno 1941

February 1941

4.2.41 Bubesi Albania: Pasquale Volpe, 14th Reg. Inf., a student teacher from Intordarqua L’Aquila

15.2.41 Arsa [Arta?] Albania: Roberto Selva, 67th Inf. Reg., a teacher from Cerano d’Intelvi Como

15.2.41 Albania: Tullio Vigoni, 67th Inf. Reg., a student from Milano

15.2.41 Greece: Angelo Spoto, 68th Inf. Reg., an accountant from Sant’Angelo Muxaro Agrigento

20.2.41Mont Golic Greece: Oscar Fiore, Reserve Army, a student from Alex. [?]

Gruppo di soldati in posa nell’inverno 1941

Soldato lavora alla verniciatura di elmetti nell’inverno 1941

Soldati sistemano delle apparecchiature in un campo nell’inverno 1941

Artiglieria antiaerea in azione a ridosso delle prime linee nell’inverno 1941

Postazione di mitraglieria in azione nell’inverno 1941

March 1941

4.3.41 Klisura Albania: Cesare Scoccia, Reserves, a doctor from Fornovo di Taro Parma

8.3.41 Mont Golico Albania, Lorenzo Sola, Reserve Battaglione Susa, a trade and commercial expert from Torino.

8.3.41 Tepeleni Albania:  Giuseppe Franceschini, Grenardier, a gardener from Ternate Varese

9.3.41 Serpentina Greece: Giuseppe Ingiardi, Machine Gunners, a baker from Cascina del Sole Bollate, Milano

12.3.41 Monastin Fronte Greco : Riccardo Modena, Inf., cane cutter from Pontelongo Padova.

Militari davanti ad un posto di ristoro dei feriti dell’Assistenza fascista albanese nella primavara 1941

Soldati in avanzata verso le prime linee nella primavara 1941

Soldati in avanzata verso le prime linee nella primavara 1941

Soldati durante il combattimento posizionati con fucili e bombe a mano nella primavara 1941

          L’occupazione di Klisura nella primavara 1941

Bersagliere del 1° reggimento in motocicletta nella primavera 1941

Soldati posizionati con artiglieria da campo nella primavara 1941

Motolancia in servizio di perlustrazione sul lago di Ohrida in Albania nella primavara 1941

Alpino della divisione “Julia” spenna un volatile nella primavara 1941

Genieri ed alpini addetti alla costruzione di mulattiere nelle immediate prime linee dello Scindeli in Albania nella primavara 1941

Captured in Albania… where to next?

It is with special thanks to Vinicio Sigon that we know the answer to this question. Vinicio was captured in Nevizza Albania. He was transferred from Albania to Greece to Egypt to Australia.

 Possibly, this is a similar journey to other Italians who were captured in this theatre of war. Nevizza [I think] is Nevich or Neveçisht now on the outskirts of Korca [Korytza].

Vinicio Sigon served with ‘Alpine Troops’ when he was captured at Neviza Greece on the 30th December 1940. He was a 2nd Lieutenant and had served six years in the army. He is seated second from the left in the photo below.

Myrtleford, Australia. 5 November 1943. Group of Italian officer prisoners of war (POW) interned at No. 5 POW Camp. Back row, left to right: Sambo; Rabusin; Fabiano; Papa; Marchi; Nebiolo. Front row: Vergani; Sigon; Lanza; Rosano; Socini; Bandirali. (AWM Image 030153/14 Photographer Geoffrey McInnes)

Vinicio Sigon kept a log including his movements and dates.

Vinicio Sigon’s Journey

30.12.40 Captured at Nevizza

31.12.40 Agrinorasto [Argyrokastro]

1.1.41 Gianina [Janina/Ioannina]

5.1.41 Prevese [Preveza]

6.1.41 Patosso [Patras]

7.1.41 Atene [Athens]

11.1.41 Piseo [Pireas]

2.3.41 Creta- Canea [Crete- Chania]*

3.5.41 Alexandria**

17.5.41 Geneifa

26.7.41 Suez

27-28.7.41 Mar Rosso [Red Sea]

2.8.41 Selon [Ceylon – Trincomalee]

5.8.41 2 Antimeridiane passagio equatore

10.8.41 Porto Commerciale di Perth [Fremantle]

15.8.41 Arrivo a Sidney

*Italian prisoners of war Crete: Reported that 16,000 Italian prisoners of war including 576 officers were held in four camps: Heraklion sector, Agio Thomas sector, Chania sector and Rethymno sector.

** The date of Vinicio’s arrival in Alexandria Egypt on 3rd May 1941 is significant. 

***In the last week of April 1941, the British Commonwealth Forces were evacuated from Greece via Crete.

Allied Evacuation of Greece

Most likely the Italian prisoners of war held in Crete were evacuated under threat of a German assault on Crete. The German assault on Crete began 20.5.41.

Canea (Hania), Crete. 1941-04. Members of the 6th Division Signals stand on the wharf next to a ketch which is moored there. Two of these boats delivered 120 men from Greece during the evacuation to Crete. (Original print housed in AWM Archive Store) (Donor G White)

Khania (also known as Canea), Crete, photographed in May 1941 by Corporal Goodall.



***Greek Campaign 1941

Australian and New Zealand troops (redesignated the ANZAC Corps) undertook some very successful local fighting [in Greece] but withdrawal was soon inevitable. The occupation of historic Thermopylae Pass by Vasey’s 19th Brigade was merely a respite in the retreat down to Athens. The evacuation began on 24 April and over 50,000 troops were removed over five successive nights. A number of small, isolated groups and individual Allied soldiers who had been cut off from the retreat were left behind in Greece. Many of these escaped largely owing to the bravery of the Greek people who assisted them.

Over 26,000 weary Allied troops landed on Crete in the last week of April 1941. They remained on the island for less than a month. In a brief, savage campaign, the Australians inflicted heavy losses on the German paratroopers. One German battalion lost more than two-thirds of its men. Another rearguard action by the 2/7th Battalion, AIF, and the New Zealand Maori battalion left 280 German dead and allowed the retreating forces to reach the evacuation point in Suda Bay. HMAS Perth was hit while carrying members of the AIF back to Egypt. The British admiral in charge of evacuation called it “a disastrous period in our naval history”.

Although 15,000 men were evacuated by ships of the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy, some 12,000 Allied troops, including 3,000 Australians, were left on Crete and most became prisoners of war of the Germans. As in Greece, some made daring escapes. Many were sheltered by the people of Crete.


Buon Natale 1940

How did 18,000 men of the Italian armed forces find themselves on the other side of the world in Australia?

The simple answer is ‘war’.

The politics of war is a complex subject. It does not matter which men chose to join Italy’s armed forces or who was conscripted; who was a fascist or who was a royalist; who became a ‘co-operator’ or who stayed firm in their beliefs and support of Mussolini.

A granddaughter of an Italian prisoner of war told me that she did not know how she would feel if she found out her nonno was a ‘fascist’. 

Eighty years after the event, we must all remember to resist from overlaying our 21st century views on a war we did not live.

Our young Aussie lads ‘joined up’ in the armed forces with hopes for adventure and a chance to see the world. They fought, they endured hardships, some were captured, far too many lost their lives.


The Italians were also young men, full of hopes and dreams. They fought, they endured hardships, some were captured, far too many lost their lives.

Il Natale nel campo di aviazione di Scutari nel 1940

Christmas. Italian troops in Albania 25 December 1940.

The ‘Footprints Project’* is a community history project documenting a chapter in Australia’s history.  Without the contributions from Italian and Australian families, this history was at risk of being lost. 

It is with thanks to every individual who has made a contribution, we now have an understanding of the bigger picture for those Italian prisoners of war who came to Australia during WW2 and made significant economic and social contributions.

*Footprints of Italian Prisoners of War in Australia 1940-1952

Italians in Greece and Albania

Italian soldiers captured in Greece and Albania arrived in Australia on 13th October 1941 on the Queen Mary into Sydney. A number of Italian officers from the Greek Campaign arrived in Sydney on the Queen Mary’s previous voyage: 16th August 1940.

Unfortunately, these Italian prisoners of war, due to clerical processing oversights, are not clearly identified. It is difficult to know how many Italians from the Greek Campaign arrived in Australia. It appears that they were processed as prisoners of war in Egypt and the clerical staff recorded their place of capture as LIBYA.  Some Italian soldiers must have requested the addition of Greece or Albania, so we have this confusion: Place of Capture- Libya (Greece) or Libya (Albania).

A special thank you to Giulia Sigon. Her nonno Vinicio Sigon was the impetus for me to delve into this theatre of war. 

2nd Lieut Raimondo Uda serving with the airforce was captured on 30th July 1940: Antichitera Greece.

Italians Invade Greece

At 3 p.m. on Monday 28th October 1940, Italian troops crossed the border into Greece. In the first18 hours the Italians captured one small border town, but the Greeks counter attacked and advanced eight miles into Albania.  

On 30th October 1940, the newspaper reported Italy’s invasion of Greece: with the headlines: Italy Invades Greece, Duce’s Ultimatum Rejected.

On 30th October 1940 2nd Lieut Francesco Tieri an accountant serving with the 18th Regiment is captured

On 1st November 1940, Gino Volpi 2nd Lieut, a student from Firenze is captured.

On the 3rd November 1940, Gabriele Masulli a mechanic from Portenza is captured in Greece.

On 7th November 1940, Captain Alfredo Moricone from Ascoli Piceno is captured.

Reported 7.11.40


LONDON, Wednesday

Greek artillery is shelling Korca from the heights, six miles to the south of the city…  The newly captured heights mentioned in today’s Greek communique- are believed to be south-west of Korca.

Yugoslav reports state that the Greeks captured a  bridge on the Bechlista-Korca road above the Devoli River. The Greek advance in this sector was resumed after consolidating the positions beyond Bechlista, and attacks were continued throughout the night. Monastir, a point on Lake Presba, where the Yugoslav and Greek frontiers meet, was again bombed to-day, but there were, no casualties.

1940 ‘ITALIANS’ SLOW PROGRESS IN GREECE’, Glen Innes Examiner (NSW : 1908 – 1954), 7 November, p. 1. , viewed 19 Sep 2021,

Antonio Damiani serving with an Alpine division is captured on 10.11.40 as is Luigi Mattei a Doctor, Corrado Celbrin, Ventruino Bacchschi Infantry.

Corporal Giovanni Bassignani with the 42 Fanteria is captured at Tepeleni on 13th November 1940.

Reported 21.11.40

The War in Greece Italians on Defensive

Threatened Supply Line Threatened

LONDON, November 12.

Latest reports of the fighting between the Greek and the Italians disclose that the Greeks have consolidated their positions on the centre front. It is also reported that Italian attacks on the Macedonian front have been repulsed.

The weather is clear on the Greek-Albanian frontier and the battle is still raging on the heights of Coritza. A Greek official statement claims farther successes in the air, Greek bombers being reported to have blown up ammunition dumps. The report also claims the further capture of Italians.

A message from Athens states that the smashing of the Italian Alpine divisions in the Pindus sector is considered an important victory. Italian generals pinned their hopes in the Alpine divisions being able to penetrate the Pindus mountains… The main Italian offensive against the Greek centre has been liquidated one week after the date set by Mussolini for the triumphal entry of Italian troop into Athens. The Italian drive against Salonika from Korca has also been flung back.

Only 8000 Alpine troops out of 12,000 escaped the Greek trap. A relieving infantry column was also routed.

1940 ‘THE WAR IN GREECE’, The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1930 – 1956), 21 November, p. 15. , viewed 19 Sep 2021,

Giovanni Brondo was captured in Albania on 26th November 1940.  On the 29th November 1940, Raffaele Carrozzo and Giovanni Formasieri were captured. On 30th November 1940, Pietro Lazzarin, Alfredo Bianchi, Pietro Bruscagin, Giuseppe Bellon were captured in Greece while Angelo Fattorello was captured in Albania.

Reported 7.12.40


ARGYROKASTRON, last of the main bases from which the Italians launched troops for the invasion of Greece, fell to Greek troops yesterday, completing a black week for the Italians. Premeti on the Voyusa River, north of Argyrokastron, fell on Wednesday, night  and Santi Quaranta, the seaport base in the south-west was occupied just before Argyrokastron.  This straightens the Greek line’ in the southern sector. 

In the northern sector the westerly wing of the Greek Army, operating

from Koritza and Pogradetz, has pushed into Albania’s main oil

territory, the valley between the Skumbi and Delvino rivers.

1940 ‘Black Week For Italians’, Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 – 1954), 7 December, p. 1. , viewed 19 Sep 2021,

Between 9th December 1940 and 23rd February 1941 the following soldiers are captured:

Vinicio Sigon (Nevizze). Luigi Cremaschi, Angelo Crippa (Pogredes), Riccardo Minari, Rodolfo Morelli (Pogradecci), Rocco Dolci, Francesco Lima, Primo Facchielli (Progradecci), Bettino Betti, Vitale Bartalucci (Pogradec), Adriano Bergamini (Goriza), Lodovico, Mario Barollo, Nello Avanzini (Nevizze), Luigi Di-Filippo (Clisuro), Gino Grandi (Chiusure), Gaetano De Mario, Antonio Pignatelli (SPI-Camarate) Donato Di Gregorio (Clisuro), Armando Continenza (Tepelene), Giuseppe Curti, Francesco Bernardini, Ezio Giorni, Alfredo Bellini, Pietro Franco, Gaetano Pavone, Giovan Battista De Gandenzi

Reported 3.3.41


With mountain battlefields covered by fresh snow and hidden in storm clouds, and with visibility nil, operations in the Telelene area have been seriously hampered.

Ousted-from strongpoint after strongpoint and reeling back under the hammering of Greek artillery and the relentless pressure of tireless Greek infantry, the Italians once again found the weather an ally when they needed it most.

On battlefields a mile above sea-level snow once again lies deep, shrouding unburied dead and covering shell-scarred slopes and ridges with a mantle of dazzling white. Biting winds like blasts from the Arctic howl down ravines, and it is cold-bitterly, terribly cold.

Pack-mules slip on mountain paths treacherous with ice. Soldiers find snowdrifts five feet deep in front of their posts, making movement well-nigh impossible. Artillery observers trying to watch the enemy’s lines from positions carefully selected, can see nothing but a blanket of impenetrable fog.

It has been raining heavily for days. The Drinos and Aoous rivers are running bankers…


The Italians badly needed the respite the weather afforded them. Despite a stiffening of reinforcements of Bersaglieri and Blackshirts fresh from Italy they had lost position after position, and there had been convincing evidence that their morale was very low.

I saw a paper which was taken from a dead Italian officer. It was a long general order, exhorting Italian soldiers not to abandon their arms on the battlefield. The order stated: “Guard the arms which have been entrusted to you by the Fatherland. Cherish your cannons, machine-guns, and rifles. Those who abandon them are cowards and traitors. The enemy will use weapons you leave on their field of battle against you and your brothers.”

Considering the quantity of material of all kinds the Italians invariably jettison when defeated, the order was not without point.

The Greeks are using not only hundreds of Italian lorries, but Italian cannons, mortars, machine-guns, hand grenades, and even rifles captured since the war began.

I also saw papers found on a lieutenant colonel who was captured in this sector some days ago, when the Alpine battalion he commanded was smashed in a Greek attack. They included an order to captains of companies stating that it had come to his attention that men were surrendering and abandoning their lines. The colonel ordered the captains to post men with automatic rifles, with orders to fire on any soldier attempting to surrender

or retreat.

 Prisoners frequently tell me they have been machine-gunned by their own troops when attempting to surrender. They say that this task is usually given to Blackshirts, who are posted to the rear of the front line.

1941 ‘SNOW ON BATTLEFIELDS.’, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), 3 March, p. 10. , viewed 19 Sep 2021,

The shaded section of the map indicates the territory now in Greek hands. Progress of the fighting since the Italians invaded Greece in October is also shown.

1941 ‘HISTORY OF ALBANIAN CAMPAIGN’, Examiner (Launceston, Tas.: 1900 – 1954), 17 March, p. 1. (LATE NEWS EDITION), viewed 19 Sep 2021,

From the 1st March to the 17th March 1941, the following men have been taken prisoners: Albertin Almerino (Monaster), Calligari Angelo, surgeon Boldrini Walter (Albania Pesdani), Graneri Lazzaro, Gaiassi Eugenio, Fraschini Bruno,  Cacciamali Giovanni and Gabrieli Stefano (Telepeni) Tancredi Domenico (Albania Anivinocasit) Benzoni Bartolo, Giuseppe Gentile, Michele Locantore (Greece/Albania)

For a more comprehensive account:

Il Fronte Greco was published in February 1942.